Saturday, July 23, 2011 about 5 PM. Dr. Davis is here to begin traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture therapy for the induction of labor. There are research papers that show it to be 70% effective using one set of acupuncture points which is the same as oxytocin! Using a second set of meridian points, research showed acupuncture to be 92% effective in the induction of labor. This is even better than oxytocin! Since it is gentler and works in harmony with the body, it is less likely to stress the fetus and precipitate meconium. This paper was published in the Journal of traditional Chinese medicine and material medical in 1989 by Fujian J. Please call the office to schedule your appointment with one of the best Chinese medicine physicians in town: 352-224-3139.
The birth of this child for Merrilee Severino is a true miracle and her first baby. The take-home lesson for everyone here, however, is that my focus was not on getting her pregnant as her physician, but instead focusing on making her body well and healthy. I encourage everyone who reads this to focus on wellness first and doing all the things you can do with Lifestyle, nutraceuticals, and finally, testing your hormone levels to see what is out of balance instead of treatment of disease. You will find that her much healthier, happier, stronger and you live longer.